VIP Class Notes (Nicholas) [S]




After our lesson, I will go eat a hamburger!

After our lesson, I will go to bed at 11:00 PM.

After our lesson, Sherry will eat fruit salad and ice cream.

After our lesson, Sherry will go to bed at 9:30 PM.

Before our lesson, I was teaching another student.

Before our lesson, Sherry was playing with her toys.

After = will + verb

Before = was + verb-ING

Right now, it is spring, soon it will be summer.


house / 房子

e.g. Sherry lives in a small house!

kick 踢

e.g. The boy kicked the ball. Sherry kicked the ball too!

pool 游泳池

e.g. The pool is open in the summer!

towel 毛巾 

e.g. When do you use a towel? After you take a bath (浴)!

dry 干

e.g. After you use the towel, you are dry and not wet!

before / 之前

e.g. Before our lesson Sherry was singing a song!

after / 后

e.g. After our lesson, Sherry will sing a song and play with a puzzle.

puzzle / 拼图

e.g. Sherry likes to play with her puzzle

and then / 然后

e.g. Sherry will go to class and then go home!

lesson / class / 课

e.g. Twice a week, Sherry has an English lesson at Smart English!

to teach 教 / teacher / 老师

e.g. Nicholas teaches Sherry how to speak English.

boring / 没劲

e.g. Do you like school? No it’s boring!

garden / 花园

Speaking exercise

There is a boy he is 他准备游泳 ready to swim! He is in his garden. He wants to swim in his pool! In his garden, there are two big trees! There is also a white and blue chair! He is jumping in the pool!!! He is happy! 他在激烈的游泳 It’s hot outside! He is swimming in the hot weather! 游完以后 Now he is done swimming, he uses the towel  to dry.