VIP Class Notes (Nicholas)

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Review your pronunciation of words below.


sink / think

this / these

people / PEE-PULL

sayed / said / SED / RED / DEAD/ HEAD

becars / because



take some illegally drugs from Mexican / take some illegal drugs from Mexico (describing the drugs-adjective) / take some drugs illegally from Mexico (the way I am doing something-describes the action)

some people killed by the drugs such as heroin / some people killed by drugs such as…

took this drugs from their country / took these drugs from their country

he want to persuade people that reasons before / he wants to persuade people with the reasons mentioned before

he also mentioned some discussion / …discussions between Mexico and America.

Mexico government / Mexican government (adj).

Mexico / place (noun)-country

the most important reason for me / good

can only be the president / [serve] as the president

another reason is some [detail] [thing] / another reason is a very [specific] [issue]

e.g. The issue of immigration…the issue of presidential power.

in the past this people / in the past these people could make a common decision together

put into the jail / put into jail

**remove THE unless it’s a very formal word**

not good to China’s economy / not good for China’s economy

make many change to our daily life / make many changes to our daily life

make the city looks more clean / the people make the city look more clean / the city looks more clean

in the history / throughout history / in the past

in recent / in recent times / recently

e.g. Recently Apple’s sales have declined.

e..g In recent times Apples sales have declined.


“the relationship/situation is iffy” / it’s fragile, it could be broken easily, I’m not sure what the status is

e.g. Maybe a college girl meets a boys he likes very much. They went on a few dates, and it seems like they are boyfriend-girlfriend, but she doesn’t know for sure. The relationship is a bit iffy — it’s unsure.