VIP Class Notes (Nicholas)


encyclopedia / 百科全书

e.g. If you want to learn the definition of a word – go to the dictionary. If you want to know all there is to know about a topic – go to the encyclopedia.

a jack of all trades, master of none / good at many things, not an expert at any of them

Renaissance Man / 文艺复兴时期的人

public image / person / ren shi

mastermind / a brilliant person who makes brilliant plans

to cope (formal) / 应付 / to deal with (informal)

e.g Some people turn to alcohol as a coping mechanism.

e.g. She had difficulty coping after the loss of her grandmother.

a snob / a rude person that prefer a very specific kind of something – usually coffee, wine, whiskey

e.g. I can make this better myself – I’m a snob.

coffee snob / an obnoxious person that will only drink coffee from a particular brand / obnoxious / 讨厌 / pretentious / 自命不 

hungover / hangover

e.g. I am hungover

e.g. I have a hangover.

a hangover cure / special food or drink to help you get over a hangover

Words related to drinking alcohol

heavy drinker / someone who drinks large amounts of alcohol

light drinker / someone who doesn’t drink large amounts

social drinkers / they usually only drink during social events 

alcoholic / they drink by themselves – they cannot control their drinking habit eventually they will die from it / alcoholism 

a drunk / informal word for an alcoholic 

e.g. He’s a drunk.

functional alcoholics / they can drink and still do their daily tasks

rehab / rehabilitation / to recover from something

e.g. Soldiers suffering from PTSD after war usually have to go to rehab.

sober up / to stop drinking alcohol for an extended period of time / verb

to be sober / adjective

to be sober-minded / to think clearly

“…which is saying a lot” 

e.g. He drank more than me which is saying a lot.

e.g. She has more shoes than my wife which is saying a lot.


I haven’t drink to much / I hadn’t drank too much