VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S/W]


weapon (n):any object used in fighting or war, such as a gun, bomb, knife, etc.
E.g.: My robot has couple of weapons

E.g.: You can select a weapon by pressing the button

connect (v)-to join or be joined with something else
E.g.: Can I connect my printer to your computer?
E.g.: Where does the stove connect (up) to the electricity?

aerial /antenna (n):a thing made of metal rods or wires that receives or sends out radio or television signals
E.g.: Robot X got 4 aerials.

rescue (v):to help someone or something out of a dangerous, harmful, or unpleasant situation
E.g.: The lifeboat rescued the sailors from the sinking boat.

rescue (adj)
E.g.: A rescue robot
E.g.: We use rescue dogs if we want to help someone who is in trouble
E.g.: Nero is a fire rescue dog.-Nero是一头消防营救犬。

drill (n):a tool or machine that makes holes
E.g.: an electric/pneumatic drill
E.g.: a dentist’s drill

claw (n):one of the two pointed parts, used for holding things, at the end of the legs of some insects and sea creatures
E.g.: Keep your fingers away from the crab’s claws when you pick it up.

Writing exercise

My Robot

My robot has a big head and a small hands. It can walk, jump and turn around. And it has six spider legs, so it can climb on the wall. My robot has three colors red, blue, yellow. I like these coloues. I like my robot, it can say hello and good bye, my robot is very good.

My robot has a big head and a small hands. It can walk, jump and turn around. Also it has six spider legs, so it can climb on the wall. My robot has three colors red, blue and yellow. I like these colors. I like my robot, it can say hello and good bye, my robot is very good/amazing/awesome/the best robot ever.

Speaking exercise


X ROBOT has a drill so it can make a hole in the wall and floor it also has a claw, so it can  catch and hold many things. It can fly on the sky and walk on the road, it can swim in the water. He has 6 wheels so he can drive very fast. He has 6 colors, I like these colors too, those are red, orange, green, gray, blue and purple. He is a rescue robot and he’s very strong. I like robots!