VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


Write a short about your first day at work


consist of sth (v):to be made of or formed from something
E.g.: The team consists of four Europeans and two Americans.
E.g.: It’s a simple dish to prepare, consisting mainly of rice and vegetables.

gear (n):the equipment, clothes, etc. that you use to do a particular activity

E.g.: fishing/camping gear
E.g.: Police in riot gear (= protective clothing) arrived to control the protesters.

foil (n):a thin, light sword used in the sport of fencing

Fencing gear consist of a face mask, foil and padded clothes.

padded clothes-加垫的衣服

health check (n):an occasion when a doctor or nurse examines someone’s body, takes blood tests, etc. in order to make sure the person has no health problems:
E.g.: an annual/regular/routine health check

tomato (n):a round, red fruit with a lot of seeds, eaten cooked or uncooked as a vegetable, for example in salads or sauces
E.g.: a sliced tomato
E.g.: tomato salad/soup

announce (v):to make something known or tell people about something officially(尤指公开地)宣布,宣告,通告
E.g.: She announced the winner of the competition to an excited audience.

additional (adj):extra外加的,附加的;额外的;另外的
E.g. :additional costs/problems
E.g. :There will be an extra charge for any additional passengers.

hang out (v):to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone
E.g.: You still hang out at the pool hall?

I went to the store around that time and there was no that many customers

Speaking exercise

Yesterday I got a job and I had do my health check. Yesterday afternoon I went tot the hospital to visit my father and then I bought some vegetables and cooked them by my self. I made fried eggs with tomatoes and boiled corn. I washed my clothes and did my homework. Finally I went to the bed .

Yesterday I got a job and I had to do my health check. Yesterday afternoon I went to the hospital to visit my father and then I bought some vegetables and cooked them by my self. I made fried eggs with tomatoes and boiled corn. I washed my clothes and did my homework. Finally I went to the bed .