VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]



underdeveloped (adj)-欠发达的(especially of a country) without modern industry or modern services that provide transport, hospitals, etc.
E.g.: an underdeveloped country

solidarity (n):agreement between and support for the members of a group, especially a political group团结一致
E.g.: to express/show solidarity with sb表示 / 表明支持某人

poverty (n): 1-the condition of being extremely poor
E.g.: Two million people in the city live in great poverty.

urge (v): 1-to strongly advise or try to persuade someone to do a particular thing
E.g.: police urged the people to stay at their homes

in need (adj)-not having enough money or food(金钱或食物)缺乏,短缺
E.g.: You just hope that the money goes to those who are most in need.

prejudice (n): 1-an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge成见,偏见,歧视
E.g.: Laws against racial prejudice must be strictly enforced.

stereotype (n): 1-a set idea that people have about what someone or something is like, especially an idea that is wrong(尤指错误的)模式化印象,老一套,成见
E.g.: racial/sexual stereotypes
E.g.: He doesn’t fit/fill the stereotype of a Frenchman.

Speaking exercise

If I was a celebrity I would do something good for charity. Like going to poor and underdeveloped region to promote the importance of education of course I would need the support of governments. I would also urge societies to help those in need.

If I was a celebrity I would do something good for charity. Like going to poor and underdeveloped regions to promote the importance of education, of course, I would need the support of governments. I would also urge societies to help those in need.