VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[S]


queue (n): 人或车辆1-a line of people, usually standing or in cars, waiting for something:
E.g.: Are you in the queue for tickets?
E.g.: There was a long queue of traffic stretching down the road.

selfish (adj): 自私的, caring only about yourself rather than about other people
E.g.: Don’t be so selfish!
E.g.: Let John share your toys, Lulu. Don’t be selfish!

E.g.: She cheated in the test by copying from the boy in front.
E.g.: He cheats at cards.他玩牌时作弊。
E.g.: You’re not allowed to look at the answers─ that’s cheating .你们不许看答案,那是作弊。

coward (n): 1-胆小鬼,  a person who is not brave and is too eager to avoid danger, difficulty, or pain:
E.g.: He is a coward

raw meat-生肉

Mr Bean in the hospital he want queue but there are many people, he want don’t have long time. And he want change his number and don’t have long time, he change  number he took the number from another girl,  other person is Bean

Mr Bean in the restaurant, it was his birthday and he got meat but the meat is bad so he want find a place to hide it. He hide the meat in the trousers of a violin player, he hide in the bread,  under the plate and hide in the bag. And the people going here say where is your meat he say I don’t know where the meat is. The waiter fall down and they gave Mr Bean  new meat.

When Mr Bean arrived to the hospital he had to join the queue but there were many people, he didn’t want to wait for such a long time. So he wanted to change his number in order to get to the doctor faster,  so he took a number from another girl,

Mr Bean in the restaurant,

it was his birthday and he got meat dish but the meat was raw and he didn’t like it so he wanted to find a place to hide it. He hide the meat in the trousers of a violin player, he hide in a bread bun,  also under a plate and  in a lady’s bag. Other people asked him- where is your meat? he said- I don’t know where the meat is. The waiter fell down so they gave Mr Bean  new plate of raw meat.