VIP Class Notes (Nemo)


Write a short story about your plans to move to NZ


plain (adj): not decorated in any way; with nothing added
E.g.: She wore a plain black dress.
E.g.: We’ve chosen a plain carpet (= one without a pattern) and patterned curtains.
E.g.: He prefers plain food – nothing too fancy.

specific (adj): relating to one thing and not others; particular
E.g.: The virus attacks specific cells in the brain.
E.g.: The money is intended to be used for specific purposes.
E.g.: Is there anything specific you want from the shops?

abbreviation (n): a short form of a word or phrase
E.g.: What does the abbreviation WHO stand for? It stands for The World Health Organization

小学 primary school
中学 middle school

long-term (adj): continuing a long time into the future
E.g.: long-term unemployment
E.g.: long-term care for the seriously ill

emigrate (v):to leave a country permanently and go to live in another one
E.g.: Millions of Germans emigrated from Europe to America in the 19th century.
E.g.: Thousands of Britons emigrate every year.

hang out (v): to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone
E.g.: You still hang out at the pool hall?
E.g.: I’ve been hanging out backstage with the band.

I would love to go to NZ for a while to play spend some time/hang out with my friend/with a friend of mine.


No article before determiners (any, some, my, this)
We don’t use an article with other words that specify a noun (determiner), e.g. any, some, my, her, this, that:

I love my job.
Not: I love the my job.

Does she want this book?
Not: Does she want the this book?

The with things that are universally known
We use the with things known to everyone (the sun, the stars, the moon, the earth, the planet) because they are a part of our physical environment or part of the natural world:

The earth moves around the sun.
We lay on the grass and watched the stars.


almost never
almost always
almost there

Nowadays, almost every home has one or two televisions.
At today’s meeting almost everybody backed my plan.
Last year when I was in the United States, I had almost no opportunity to speak Japanese.
It’s almost time for the cherry blossoms.
My work is almost finished.
Almost all the work is done now.


I was shocked by how shocking the accident was last night.
They were frightened by the frightening roller-coaster ride!
I am annoyed by how annoying that person in front of us is.
Sally was confused by the confusing street signs in the city.

I am confused. – (I don’t understand something)
I am confusing. – (I will cause you to be confused)

My husband is bored. – (My husband feels bored)
My husband is boring. – (My husband is a boring person)


plain -pleɪn