VIP Class Notes (Nemo)

it’s worth it/it wasn’t worth it

She is on her way to here.

Come here. Go there. (no “to”)

on the way
1. En route; currently traveling to someone or something.
We’re on the way to the party and should be there in five minutes.
2. Found along the route to someone or something.
It looks like there is a gas station on the way.

earlier, on the way here I saw a person who made me very angry


Relative pronouns

who          people and sometimes pet animals         defining and non-defining

which      animals and things                        defining and non-defining; clause referring to a whole sentence

that          people, animals and things; informal      defining only

whom    people in formal styles or in writing; often with a preposition; rarely in conversation; used instead of who if who is the object

We don’t know the person who donated this money.

We drove past my old school, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year.

He went to the school (that) my father went to.

The Kingfisher group, whose name was changed from Woolworths earlier this year, includes about 720 high street shops. Superdrug, which last week announced that it is buying Medicare, is also part of the group.

The parents (whom/who/that) we interviewed were all involved in education in some way.

Relative pronouns: which
We use which in relative clauses to refer to animals and to things. We use it to introduce defining and non-defining relative clauses. We always use which to introduce relative clauses when they refer to a whole sentence or clause:

You need to tick the box which says yes. (defining)

He won’t have much time to prepare for the meeting, which is this afternoon. (non-defining)

She had to get up and walk all the way to the other side of the room, which isn’t easy with a bad back. (which refers to the whole sentence before it)

Relative pronouns: that
We use that instead of who, whom or which in relative clauses to refer to people, animals and things. We use it to introduce defining clauses only. That is more informal than who, whom or which:

We met somebody last night that did the speech therapy course two years after you. (refers to a person)

The 8.30 is the train that you need to get. (refers to a thing)

She blamed herself for everything that had happened.

Ahmed is the skydiver who broke his back last week.

Explanation: who refers to people (“Ahmed”).