VIP Class Notes (Nate)[S]


Do some writing and focus on the grammar you learned in class today.
Name the days of the week. Days of the month. Years.

Today we focused on:

(“I went” “I drank” “I ate” “I played” “I am”)

(“Days of the week/Months of the year“)

Speaking exercise

I went shopping and I ate food. Today, I ate noodles. I was with my mom. I drank orange juice. Yesterday I went to the park with my dad, in the park I played golf. I played golf for one hour. Yesterday I played golf I played basketball, I’m not good at basketball.  I was born on June 8th. I am playing basketball/walking/running/swimming.


Food“- Items of food you eat daily for energy. (“I ate food for dinner’)

Golf“- Sport played with a ball and a gold club, on a green course.

Born”- Day of the month/day/year/time you were born.