VIP Class Notes (Mike)


bitter: the opposite of sweet
ie. This tea is very bitter.

waiter – waitress 

actor – actress

tray (n) 托盘

electrify (v)
ie The main character was electrified.

board (n) 
PP used a board to protect himself from the mosquito.

screwdriver (n)
He used a screwdriver to unscrew the lamp.

air pump (n)气泵

pipe (n) 水管

poison (v)
PP is trying to poison the mosquito

faint = pass out
I saw a man who fainted in the street this morning.

punch (v) 
Jerry tried to punch me in the face.

slap (v)
My parents never slapped me.

fist (n) 拳头



Speaking exercise

there is a camera looking at them
there is camera filming them

the rope is bad
the rope is broken

PP was watching war films and he was also eating snacks and his eyes are red and he went to change his clothes.
PP was watching TV and eating snacks at the same time. His eyes are so red that he just seems so dead!