VIP Class Notes (Mike)


caterpillar (n) 毛毛虫

morph (v) change into 
ie. Caterpillars will morph into butterflies when they grow up

prehistoric (adj.) 史前的
ie. What’s your favorite prehistoric animal?

mammoth (n) 猛犸象

boulder (n) a large stone

dumbbell (n) 哑铃

arrow (n) 箭

bow (n) 弓

whip (v) 鞭打
ie. He whipped the mammoth in the back.

whiplash (n) 鞭子

wagon (n) 马车

cement (n) 水泥

nail (n) 钉子

fingernail (n) 
ie. My fingernails are too long, I need to cut them.

toenail (n)

dye (v) to change the color of 
ie. He dyed his paper in the blue stain.
ie. I have a friend who dyed her hair.


float (v) 浮
ie. Wood floats on water

drift (v) 漂流
ie. The logs are drifted downstream to the mill

Speaking exercise

He was trying to lock PP in that room
He was trying to seal PP in the room