VIP Class Notes (Mike)


adopted from: 改编

i.e. Is this show adopted from a novel or is it original?

robust (adj): 健硕,有活力,有生机

i.e. One of the reasons why many foreign investors choose Shanghai is because of the robust economy.

chain store: 连锁店

pour-over: 手冲咖啡

grind: 磨,研磨

coffee ground: 咖啡粉

grease(n): 油脂

long black: 澳式咖啡

amount (n): the number of, the quantity of

ratio: 比例

wine/coffee connoisseur: 鉴赏家

chill (adj): a laid-back attitude, 悠闲,放松,自如

nerd – nerdy

tedious: 单调

i.e. This job is tedious, but it pays well.


windbreaker: 防风衣

insecure: 缺乏安全感

eye-opening: 开眼界的



i.e. Starbucks is branded as high-end coffee in China.


3/4: three fourths

1/5: one fifth

8/9: eight ninths

has no taste for sth: 对…没有品味

i.e. My friend has no taste for musicals


hang out – hung out

Speaking exercise

Many shows were influenced by the virus.

The show world was hit bad by the pandemic.