VIP Class Notes (Mike)


episode (n) 集
eg. I watched many episodes of Mr.Bean

type (v) 打字
eg. Sofia doesn’t know how to type yet.

mouse (n) 鼠标

thumb (n) 拇指

index finger (n) 食指

middle finger

ring finger (n) 无名指

pinkie (n) 小指

similar (adj) A is similar to B
eg. My phone is similar to my classmate’s.

expression (n) 表情
eg. His expression tells me that he is not happy.

patient (adj) 有耐心的
eg. Sofia doesn’t seem like a patient student.

patient  (n) 病人
eg. There are many patients in the hospital.

patience (n) 耐心
eg. I am running out of  patience.

impatient (adj) 不耐烦的
eg. You are impatient.

charge (v) 充电
eg. My battery is dying, I need to charge it.

grab (v) 抓
eg. He grabbed my arm.

power line (n) 电线

sponge (n) 海绵

axe (n) 斧子

dwarf (n) 矮人

cut (v) 砍,切,剪
eg. Tom is cutting the tree with an axe.

Speaking exercise

You are a big funny.
You are very funny.

In I know teacher
In the teachers I know

Tom quietly walks to the bird’s cage and he took the cage with him. So I think he wants to eat the birds. Then Jerry sees it, he wants to help the birds, and he did this, puzz, so Tom pua, and cage runs away and birds flys away. But Tom wants to catch Jerry,

Tom sees a bird in a cage, he wants to eat the bird. He walks to the cage and takes it away with him. Jerry sees all this and he puts one of his legs out, so Tom falls down.  And the cage hits the tree.