VIP Class Notes (Mike)


Prepare for the following subject:

Should science majors study liberal arts subjects? and vice versa?

Food words


end-of-year report

annual F S

unwind (v)
1. to close out a trading position, with the term tending to be used when the trade is complex or large.
2. unwinding also refers to the correction of a trading error, since correcting a trading error may be complex or require multiple steps or trades.

from the economical/social… perspective

point of view

through the lens of 


chit chat

small talk

big words

obscure (adj) extremely difficult

rote memorization

Speaking exercise

We have one hour for each lesson, I’d like our lessons begin with a chat, it will cost like 10 minutes, later, we can start some discussion about sth in our life like food, work. It will cost like 15-210 minutes. And last part, we will have a short speech, like 20 minutes.

We have one hour for each lesson, I’d like our lessons begin with some chit-chats, it will take like 10 minutes, later, we can start some discussion about sth in our life like food, work etc. It will take like 15-210 minutes. And last part, we will have a short speech, like 20 minutes.

what’s your take on sth?

play the devil’s advocate 

The Chinese education stepped into wrong a way.
The Chinese education system stepped into a wrong direction.

some articles hard to understand
articles that are hard to understand


cost – money

spend: sb spend time/money doing sth

take: sth take … time



fool – wool – book – good

full – dull



word – world