VIP Class Notes (Mike)


sarcastic (adj.) 讽刺的,说反话的

push one’s luck 得寸进之
A: Dad’s agreed to drive me to football practice. I think I’ll ask him if he can pick me up, too. I don’t feel like walking home.
B: That might be pushing your luck. He’ll be watching TV later.

as luck would have it

schadenfreude (n) 幸灾乐祸

Serendipity 机缘巧合,巧事
Some of the best effects in my garden have been the result of serendipity.

heron (n) 鹭

fortuitous 偶然的
The collapse of its rivals brought fortuitous gains to the company.

quinine (n) a medicine used to cure malaria in the past

malaria 疟疾