VIP Class Notes (Mike)


consist of: to be made of sth
i.e.  Shanghai consists of 12 districts.

theme  (n) 主题
i.e. Theme park is my favorite place to go to.

merchandise (n) 商品

complicated (adj) 复杂的

complex (adj)精细的,繁杂的

comply (v) to obey
i.e. You work for us, so you must comply with our company’s policies.

Speaking exercise

Today I have a rest.
I am resting today.
I am having a restful/relaxing/peaceful day!

How are you?
I am (doing) good/great!

How is it going?
It’s good!

I clean our house and washed our clothes, take care my babe and talk about sth with my friend.
I cleaned the house and did laundry, spent some time with my daughter and talked with my friend.

Her grandma will go out for a whole day tomorrow, so I will spend the day with her.

On workdays, her grandparents and the dad will spend time with her. On weekends, I usually/normally spend time with her.

Our promotion consists of 4 parts. The first one is the Annual Plan, Monthly Plan, our Shop promotion and Merchandise promotion.

First, we have 4 campaign, like…
1.School-Starting Season          12% for one, 25% for two
2. Double 9                                 you get a 20 kuai coupon if you buy 100 kuai’s tires
3. Shop-Theme
4. Mid-Autumn festival promotion

the promotion includes “half price for the second one”

We have two main promotions methods.

estimated data :VOL, VAl, CVR,  average customer spending per order, AD,VOL percentage per merchandise

conversion rate