VIP Class Notes (Mike)


diligent (adj.) hard-working
Jerry is a diligent student, he studies all the time.

photosynthesis (n) 光合作用

explanation (n) 解释

theory (n) 理论
Which theory is more probable to you?

domesticate (v) 驯化,使…成为家养动物
Humans might domesticate some small dinosaurs and keep them as pets.
Pigs were domesticated about 7,000 years ago.

tame (v) 驯服

hunter-gatherer (n) 狩猎采集者

reserve (n) 保护区

designated (adj.) 特定的,指定的
A designated area for …

specific (adj.) 具体的
I don’t really understand you, can you be more specific?

plow (v) 耕地,犁田

on the edge of extinction 处于灭绝的边缘

fin (n) 鱼鳍
Shark’s fin 鱼翅

consequence (n) 后果

Shark’s poop is nitrogen-rich, that’s why a lot of smaller fish feed on them.

awareness (n) 意识

boycott (v)  抵制

Speaking exercise

It’s same old.

starve to death
Lack of food led to the death of many dinosaurs.

Human beings may train those smaller dinosaurs to pets.
Human beings may domesticate those smaller dinosaurs.

Human beings had to kill all those dinosaurs.
Humans hunted all of them and drove them to extinction.

They might be kept in those …
They might be kept in those designated reserves. 

There will be more and more smaller fish.
The number of smaller fish will increase dramatically.