VIP Class Notes (Mike)


English Reading Exercises for B2 – Vloggers


negative remarks

notorious (adj.) 声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的
be notorious for

superior (n/adj.) 上级

settle down

lockdown (n)
under lockdown

politics (n)

rival (n)
rivalry (n)

cultural elites (n) 文化精英

headquarter (n) 总部

cosmetics (n)
My roommate is in the cosmetics industry.

logical (adj.)
rational (adj.)

annoying (adj.) = frustrating

blind date (n) 相亲

philosophy (n)哲学
psychology (n) 心理学

tier-1 一线城市

shadowy (adj.)

under-the-table trade

hierarchy (n) 等级制度
Those who are on the top of the political ~ are not aware of what is going on for ordinary people.
He rose quickly through the political hierarchy to become party leader.
hierarchical (adj.)

apartment complex (n) 小区

censor (v) 审查
censorship (n) 审查

processed meat



Speaking exercise

I heard some bad things about my company.

They only know how to take orders from the superior.

I am the odd one in our company.

I don’t fit in very well in this kind of toxic business culture.

There is no other city can compare to SH.
There is no other city comparable to SH.

That boy has interest on her.
The boy has a crush on her.

When they arrive the hospital.
When they arrived at the hospital.

The supply chain has been cut down.
The supply chain was disrupted.

My boss is a very controlling person.
She’s got ego problems.