VIP Class Notes (Mike)


Compared with China’s fast economical development, what is the status of development in other aspects/fields?


terminology = jargon = term 术语

distinctive (adj.)


distinguish (v)


trait (n) 特征

spacious (adj.) big,

enthusiasm (n) 热情 – enthusiastic (adj.) 热情的

die-hard fan
hard-core fan

FIRE Movement: Financial Independence and Retire Early.

turning point 转折点

join a start-up 创业

fierce (adj.) 激烈的

catering business 餐饮行业

lucrative (adj.) 利润高的


fine dinning

purchase power

modify (v) 修改

palate 味蕾

chilli pepper 辣椒

numbing pepper 胡椒

living cost  生活成本

Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown

Speaking exercise

Business English is the first priority.
Business English

Tesla is at least 5 years ahead of other car companies.