VIP Class Notes (Mike)


aerobics (n) 有氧运动

hard gainer

muscle (n)

fat (n)

protein (n) 蛋白质 ~ protein powder

carbohydrates = carbs

absorb (v) 吸收 – absorption
Your body can’t absorb too much protein.

diet (n) 饮食

binge eating/drinking 暴饮暴食
over eat

personal trainer 私教

drowsy (adj.) 头昏脑胀的

blood circulation 血循环

sedentary (adj.)  the opposite of moving

sedan (n) 轿子

stable = steady (adj.) 稳定的

revenue rate 收益率

inexperienced (adj.)

green hand = newbie

second-hand (adj.) 二手的


tier 1 city

down payment 首付

affordable (adj.)

mainstream 主流的

risky (adj.)

undertake (v) 承担

category (n) 类别
categorize (v) 分类

qualify (v) 够格,够资格,使…合适,具有资质 – qualification (n) 资质,资格


Speaking exercise

The habit was changed.
The habit was gone.

We should to do more sport to keep healthy.
We should do more sports to keep/stay fit. 

house price
housing price