VIP Class Notes (Mike)

Writing exercise

My work is very busy every day because I have to deal with different people. There are store staff in, lab staff, government and my colleagues in Italy.
Because my position in the company is to manage product quality. Sometimes I think, do I like my job? Am I just for the money?
The answer is no, I like my job, not just for the money, because my job is different every day, I will encounter different cases, but as soon as I solve it,
I am very happy, I feel my company needs me and my work is very meaningful.

My work is very busy every day because I have to deal with different people, including store and lab staff, government officials and my Italian colleagues.
My position in the company is to manage product quality, which can be tedious and repetitive. Sometimes I think, do I really/genuinely love my job? Or am I here just for the money? After some thought, I can say with confidence that I like my job and money is not everything. 

Whenever I solve a difficult case, I will be satisfied and get a sense of achievement. Therefore, I find my work meaningful.


eyedrops (n) 眼药水

symptom (n) 症状

severe (adj.) 严重的
The man was severely injured in a war.

touched (adj.) 感动的,触动的,打动的
I was deeply touched by this movie.

touching (adj.) 感人的….
This movie/story is touching.
I am touched by the story.

officer (n)
official (n) 官员
(adj.) 官方的,正式的
official website 官网
official notice 官方通知/通报
The official language in Mexico is Spanish.

tedious (adj.) 单调的,乏味的,无聊的

repeat (v) – repetitive (adj.)
A is very repetitive in my job.
The repetitive part in my job is A.

genuine (adj.)  真的,真诚的 – genuinely (adv.)

since 由于

sense of achievement/time/humor 成就感/时间观念/幽默感
he has a good sense of humor
He has a strong/weak sense of time.

find (v) 察觉,感受,感觉
I find it hard to talk to him.
She finds it impossible to save money if she wants to live a decent life in NYC.
I find it difficult to keep fit because my mom always gives me good food.

satisfy (v) 满足,满意
be satisfied with = be content with 对….满足
As a mom, I am quite satisfied with my son’s performance in the game.
satisfying (adj.)
The result/bonus/burger/movie/book is ~.


adj: -ful, -ious, -ed, -ing, -ous…..
adv: -ly

friendly (adj.)
prickly (adj.) 多刺的

real (adj.)

1) 修饰动词
He runs fast.
She eats slowly.
The tree grows
He quickly ran over here.

2) 修饰形容词
he is tall.
He is really tall.
Today is hot.
Today is extremely hot.
My friend is stingy. 小气
My friend is super stingy. 抠门