VIP Class Notes (Mike)


Write about Eileen Gu.

Writing exercise

1. I took my son to the Aircraft Museum during Chinese New Year, he liked it very much, I hope he will become a captain in the future, and I can travel around the world in my son’s plane.
2. Gu Ailing won the Winter Olympics skiing championship, I believe that skiing will become a popular sport.
3. My email won’t work starting this Monday because IT at globe deleted my account, and I’m afraid I’ll have to wait for the account to be restored in the next few weeks.

1. I took my son to the Aircraft Museum during Chinese New Year, which he liked/enjoyed very much. I hope he will become a pilot/astronaut in the future so that I can travel around the world in my son’s plane.
2. Gu Ailing won the Winter Olympics skiing champion, I believe that skiing will become a popular sport.
3. My email stopped working since this Monday. Maybe/perhaps it was because our global IT team accidentally deleted my account. Therefore, I’ll have to wait for the account to be restored in the coming/following weeks.

I took my son to the Aircraft Museum during Chinese New Year, he liked it very much,
I took my son to the Aircraft Museum during Chinese New Year, which he liked very much.
during Chinese New Year, I took my son to the Aircraft Museum which he liked very much.


sigh (v/n) 叹气

sign (v/n) 标志,标语,手势
sign language 手语

what is that action called?

call (v) 叫做


pilot (n) 飞行员,机长

astronaut (n) 宇航员,a space traveller
astro- star
naut- 航行,航海

star trek

space (n) 太空
star 行星,星星
planet 行星,星球
stella- 星球的
interstellar 星际穿越

champion (n) 冠军
championship 锦标赛

Speaking exercise

I want to being a pilot.
I want to be a pilot.

What do you want to be in the future?

opening ceremony 开幕式
ceremony (n) 仪式,庆典
graduation ceremony

ceremonial (adj.) 仪式繁重的,声势浩大的,仪式感隆重的

athletic (adj.) good at sports

athlete (n) 运动员

smart – intelligent – bright

bright (adj.)
Your future will be bright.
The room has 10 light bulbs, so it is very bright, not dim at all.
My son is a bright kid.

clear – clever


Ivy League 常春藤

Speaking exercise

I watched skiing on a media platform called DY.

take a trip to somewhere

I feel really interesting because
I was interested in it because

I never try it before.
I never tried it before.

She learning it herself.
She taught herself math…..
She was all self-taught in high school.


He is the kind of people who like to go to bed late.

me and my husband

so that 
Let me give you the key so that you can open the office door tomorrow.
I will finish the project today so that your team can review it before Friday.