VIP Class Notes (Mike)

Today we focused on:

Read “Diary of a Wimpy kid”


hassle (v): irritate

i.e. Stop hassling me! You are annoying

shrink (v) sth gets smaller

i.e. Manny want a shrunken head

decide (v) 决定

i.e. I decide I will have noodles tonight.

medium-priced (adj)

i.e. This bottle of water is medium-priced.

charity (n) 慈善机构

i.e. I donated some clothes/pens/pencils to a charity store.

slushie/slushy: 刨冰

i.e. I want a slushie machine in the summer.

yam(n) 山药

gecko (n) 壁虎


I doesn’t 

I don’t

Speaking exercise

Why I have many cars?

Why do I have so many cars?

Do house fire?

Is the house on fire?

It is very cooler this pants.

These pants are very cool.

I like the soup is tomato soup the potato in it.

I like tomato soup with potatoes in it.