VIP Class Notes (Mike)


hone (v) 磨刀
Jerry was carefully honing the curved blade.

honing stone  磨刀石

dwarf (n) 小矮人

lame (adj.) 无趣的,没意思的

bark (n) tree skin

float – afloat (adj.) 漂浮着的

sleep – asleep

hand over
Big nose handed over the bone to PP.

Speaking exercise

If the castle will be burnt by the fire.
If the castle catches fire.

He was phoning to someone.
He was making a phone call.
he was calling someone.
he was on the phone talking with someone.

fall onto sb 砸到某人
crash on sb’s head

the rock is still float.
The rock is afloat.

He went upside of the mountain.
He went uphill.
He ran up the hill.