VIP Class Notes (Mike)


hawthorn (n) 山楂

wilderness (n) 荒野

pattern (n) 图案,图形

applaud (v) 鼓掌,喝彩
He started to applaud and the others joined in.
She was applauded as she came on stage.

applause (n) 鼓掌
They gave him a round of applause.

Speaking exercise

a zebra bumped into a tree and it’s color changed, he tried a l0t of time and he want to change it back. but he didn’t success, and several zebra saw it they liked the him very much since he can change his color on his body, and he was glad as well.

A zebra was running happily on the road. there was a tree in front of him and he bumped into the tree. His stripes disappeared and all the black ones are concentrated in the front part of his body.  He tried to get his stripes back, but he failed. So he started to jump up and down to shake the pattern off. His zebra friends saw the whole process and started to applaud for him. Seeing that, he become very proud of his change.