VIP Class Notes (Mike)


lower the volume 调低音量
lower the voice 降低嗓音

beneficial (adj.) 有益的
A good diet is beneficial to health.

rhythm = pace  节奏

ambulance (n) 救护车

evenly (adv.) 均匀地
Mary was breathing evenly.

announcement (n) 通告,通知

The Communist Party of China = The Chinese Communist Party.

subsidize (v) 补助,补贴
Farming is partly subsidized by the government.

maternal leave 产假
paternal leave 父亲的产假

dilemma 两难的境地

birth rate 出生率

negative growth 负增长

demographer (n)  人口学家

demography (n) 人口学,人口统计

divorce (n/v) 离婚

Speaking exercise

They want us can do it according to their requirement.
They want us to meet their standard.

We don’t tell them
We have not told them yet.

they don’t nervous.
they are not in a rush.
They are not worried.

the average age of people getting married/becoming parents is delayed to 30.4 years old in China.

to let nature take its course.
take things as they come.
in accordance with natural tendency.