VIP Class Notes (Mike)


The Bund 外滩

headquarter (n) 总部

branch (n) 树枝,分叉,分行,子公司,分部

kilometer (n) 公里

break (n) 休息
寒假 winter break
暑假 summer break
午休 lunch break

gorgeous (adj.) 十分漂亮的

have access to 有权限的,能够进入的

The Great Cultural Revolution 文革

peasant (n) 农民,农夫

parade 游行

intellectual (n) 知识分子

content (n) 内容,目录
He doesn’t understand the content of those documentaries

freak/weirdo (n) 怪胎
My friend is a total weirdo

catchphrase/buzzword 热词

anti-Japanese TV shows 抗日战争

temporary (adj.) 临时的,暂时的
Now we are living in a temporary house

retirement pension 养老金


keep doing sth
keep running
keep going, don’t stop


abroad 国外的
aboard 登机,登陆,登船

Speaking exercise

this is my first see the inside building
this is my first time to see the inside of the building

we can not go there to work
We cannot be transferred there to work

because when they hire people, they want some masters degree or doctor degree of finance maybe
because when they hire people, their requirement is high

they don’t have some education
she graduated from a vocational school
they had limited education
they didn’t have access to high education

my last company colleague
one of my colleagues from my last company

they don’t want keep study in school, they just want to 。。。
they didn’t want to keep studying in school, they just wanted to join the army

And do some revolution things
And do some revolutionary things

they doesn’t like that
they don’t like that

they beat people with high eduction

I feel I quite special
I feel I am quite special

I don’t like to be on social media 社交媒体

my father like watch some TV about fight with Japan
My father likes to watch anti-Japanese TV shows made by China.

they have experienced WW2

I want to get a masters degree in the UK.