VIP Class Notes (Mike)


scale (n) 规模,秤,鱼鳞
It’s an exhibition with a large scale
The scale of this fair is huge. It has at least 200 companies from the design industry participating.

demonstrate/display (v)展示

host (v) 接待

drop-in (adj.) random visits

our most desiring client is Xiaomi

outsource 外包

outlook (n) 外观

to what extend/degree 在何种程度上
Xiaomio gave us this plan so that our team knows to what extend/degree the outlook should be connected/white.
To what extend/degree do you think we can work together?
To what extend do you think he is right?
To what ~ do you consider Chairman Mao to be a great man?

figure (n) 人物,身材,图表,数字
character (n) 角色,性格,字符,汉字,繁体字
simplified VS traditional 简化的

controversial 有争议的

medium size companies

shorten (v)
Our PM shorten the whole process to 2 months.

format (n) 格式

wordy (adj.) 冗长的
My emails can be wordy sometimes, Tibo helped me shorten them.

word (v) 遣词造句
How can I word my email better?
I am thinking of a better way to word my writings.

put 表达
how can I put it better?
How can I put this email in a way that makes me sound like my boss?

runner -up 亚军

start from scratch = start from 0 从零开始

in vain (adj.) 白费
All of our efforts in this project are in vain

upside – downside 好处,积极的一面

smart device 智能设备
smart wear device 智能穿戴设备

On the side
On sb’s side
I am with you on this one

Speaking exercise

at the beginning of December
in early December

it’s almost all set

in the street : general
on: specific