VIP Class Notes (Mike)


ranking (n) 排名
This 1 point affected my ranking in the class.

grade (v) 打分,评分
Another teacher graded my exam paper.

alien (n) 外星生物,外星人

represent (v) 代表
In the video, this man represents the whole human population/human beings.

evolve (v) 进化
Humans evolved from monkeys.

exist (v) 存在
Do you think unicorns exist?

capitalized (adj.) 大写的
The word “I” is always capitalized

slaughter (v) 屠杀,宰杀
300,000 people were slaughtered in Nanjing in 1937.

profitable (adj.) 有利润的 – profit (n) 利润
The automobile industry is highly profitable.

skyscraper (n) 摩天大楼

dumpster (n) 垃圾堆

trash = rubbish


throne (n) 王座
A king always sits on the throne.

punish (v) 惩罚
A teacher punishes me because I did not do my homework

conduct/do experiment 做实验

Speaking exercise

500,000 year ago, a man kill many animals and turn them into something useful for him. Then he cut a lot of trees in the forests, and turned them into paper, then he build a lot of cities and do some researches, one day, an UFO come, and then the man was turned into a carpet. Then the UFO left.

500,000 year ago, humans appeared on the Earth.  And they started to slaughter wild animals and turn them into profitable products.  As we evolve, we cut down forests to make paper, we also started to build a lot of roads, skyscrapers, factories and highways. At the same time, we feed some animals and kills them for meat. We are also conducting experiments on animals for more profit. Many animals are suffering. We turned the whole world into an immense dumpster and we feel like we are the ruler/king of the universe. But a UFO comes, and when they look around, they feel unhappy when they see the damage humans have caused to the environment. So they decide to punish humans.

this story tells us don’t pollute the environment, not to kill animal so often, he is pollute the ocean.
This story tell us the importance of wild animals and nature, it warns us about the dangerous situations of many wild lifes. Humans have too much power over nature, so it is our responsibility to protect the environment and provide a better living condition for other creatures.

Our greed lead us here, therefore we should change our attitude towards nature.