VIP Class Notes (Mike)


freud (n) 骗局

moments (n) 朋友圈

prostitute (n) 妓女

whore (n) 娼妇

weird (adj.) 诡异的,奇怪的
His behavior was quite weird.

chat history 聊天记录

authentic (adj.) 正宗的,正规的
His accent is not that authentic.
This dish is authentic Chinese food.

wonton (n) 馄炖

hooligan (n)

campus (n) 校区

fake (v) 假装,伪装,作假

headhunter (n) 猎头

report (v) 举报

fishing email/text/link

apologize (v) to say sorry to – apology
He never apologized to me about his mistake

eyelash (n) 睫毛
eye lid (n) 眼皮
eyebrow (n) 眉毛

glue (n/v) 胶水,粘

offend (v) 冒犯 – offensive (adj.)
What he said really offended me
What he said was really offensive

brothel (n) 妓院

waste (v/n) 浪费
I wasted some time when I was in college

follow up with
She runs so. fast, I can’t follow up with her speed.

Speaking exercise

I have 4 classes left
I have 4 remaining classes

in china, some companies will not hire people who with low education
In China, some companies will not hire people with low education level/degree.

they accent is lower than me
Their accent is worse than mine.

they look like a black social
They look like hooligans

they don’t understand grammar also
they don’t understand grammar, either

In October 1
On October 1

I used to talk with him, but he don’t reply
I used to talk with him, but he didn’t reply

They met each other in China

I was cried
I was crying
I cried

I am very luck
I feel very lucky

If I have had get marry with this person, I am done
If I married him, I would be done.

He works very long hours

he talks to different women

they always liar some students money
They always lie to students for their money