VIP Class Notes (Mike)


stress (v/n)
I got quite stressed out after 2 weeks of working
pressure  压力
I feel a lot of pressure

be/get used to 习惯于
After 2 weeks, I got used to this kind of pace.

pace (n) 节奏,速度

ingredient (n) (事物的)原料

suburb (n) 郊区 – suburban areas

prequel (n) 前传

sequel (n) 续集,后传

drop out 辍学
I know someone who dropped out when he was only 16

quarrel (v/n) 口角,争辩,争吵

cheat 作弊
They will cheat in exams

expel (v) 开除
Jeff was expelled from his high school because he cheated in an important exam

regretful (adj.) 后悔的,遗憾的 – regret (n) 后悔,遗憾
Do you have any regrets?
What’s the biggest regret in your life?

flirtatious (adj.) 调情的,轻佻的

vocational school 职业学校




Speaking exercise

made himself
made by himself

wash the dishes
do the dishes

he do everything
he does everything

my house don’t get yet
My new house is not ready yet,

he can watch a book
he can read books in Latin

these kind of company is unlegal
these kind of company is illegal

they do some child things
they do some childish things

She said me some bad words
She said some horrible things to me

Men is very little
There is very few men in the class

just attention male
Just to get attention from the male teachers

it’s model class
it’s a demo class