VIP Class Notes (Mark)

Today we focused on:

We started by reviewing vocabulary from Ellen’s last class.

Speaking exercise

Because there’s really a lot kind of food in Shanghai.
Because there’s really a lot kind variety of food in Shanghai.

Because I have some plan to go someplace more far.
Because I have some plan to go someplace more farther away.

Because she has some actions like “ja nan”
Because she has some aloof reactions like “zha nan”

When you talk to her she always say yes, but she doesnt make it work.
When you talk to her she always says yes, but she doesnt make it work carry it out.

This week the weekend have the good weather.
This week These weekends have the good weather.

Maybe next week i just have some tea in some place with a good environment.
Maybe next week i will just have some tea in some place with a good environment atmosphere/vibe.

I have some obstacle with choose the character…too many choice.
I have some obstacle difficulty/ indecision with choosing the character…too many choices.


parade [pa RAYD]
obstacle [OB sti kul]


atmosphere – the feeling of somewhere
aloof – don’t care