VIP Class Notes (Mark)

Today we focused on:

Today we reviewed Sherry’s previous class vocabulary and pronunciation. Then we reviewed her writing homework.

potable – [pah ta bull]
strategic – [strah tee jik]
continuity – [kon tih noo ih tee]
asset – [a set]
history – [hiss toree]


species – [shpee sees] a kind of something. different species means differents kinds of something.
hide / hidden [hi d]/[hih den]. for hide, think of the “hi” form of hello. for hidden, think of the i sound in “him”
skull – [skul] sounds like dull, mull, lull
evolution – [eh vo loo shun] the process of development
extinct – [x tinkt] not able to live anymore
coping – [ko ping] – dealing with something

Writing exercise

This artic is about the Dragon Man whose skulls were found in year 1933, at Harbin city in China, lived over 146000 years ago. Dragon is the mythologies and ancestor in Chinese traditional culture. The skull was showed in recent years for the 1st time, that had been protected by the researchers with his family from 1933 as the wars in Chinese.
The important meaningful of this research would update our understanding of human development from ancient. The appearance of Dragon man is more like the current people, who prefer to hunter together, lived in the land and able to live in the bad-cold environment in the winter.

This article is about the Dragon Man whose skulls were was found in year 1933, at Harbin city in China. He lived over 146,000 years ago. The mythological dragon is an the mythologyies and ancestor in Chinese traditional culture. The skull was showed shown in recent years for the 1st time. that It had been protected by the researchers Chinese worker with and his family from 1933 as because of the wars in Harbin Chinaese with Japan.
The important meaningful of this research would updates our understanding of human development from ancient times. The appearance of Dragon man, who’s appearance is more like the current people, who preferred to hunter together in groups, and lived in on the land and able to live in the bad- terribly cold environments in the winter.