VIP Class Notes (Mark)

Speaking exercise

My leader will give me a lot of pressures.
My leader will gives me a lot of pressure.

They are never satisfied with my script at the first time.
They are never satisfied with my script at the first time.
They are never satisfied with my script at the first time.

They have to change it into a totally different way.
They have to change it into a totally different way.
They have to change it into something a totally different way.
They have to change it into a totally different way thing.

I feel I won’t have the confidence anymore.
I feel I won’t have the confidence anymore.
I feel I won’t have the confidence anymore I used to have.

At least he doesn’t need those rude words.
At least he doesn’t need to use those rude words.
At least he doesn’t need those to be rude words.

First, we are colleague.
First, we are colleagues.

Although we have the different position, we are all people.
Although we have the different positions, we are the same all people.
Although we have the are in different positions, we are all people.

No other words, none of works business.
Those words don’t work in a business.
Those words don’t belong in a business.
Those words don’t belong at work in a business.

He will not stay at his position all day. He has many meetings.
He will not stay at his workspace position all day. He has many meetings.
He will not stay at his seat position all day. He has many meetings.
He will not stay at his desk position all day. He has many meetings.


self-entitled – a feeling that your wishes and ways are superior to others


product – [PRA DUKT]