VIP Class Notes (maddie)

Next Class Focus

try to use more advanced vocab in your sentences

Speaking exercise

linguistics : the study of languages

consumerism: the obsession with the act of purchasing

eg. many people are becoming more conscious about the consequenced of consumerism.

compatible: be in harmony with

eg. this software isn’t compatible with my computer system.

frustrated: feeling annoyed due to failure in doing sth
eg. young people are always dismissed as easily frustrated.

increase by double digits.

toxic: poisonous
PUA = pick up artist
eg. my ex was toxic – i never felt good about myself when i was with him.

happy belated birthday: saying happy birthday to someone after their birthday

star sign: 星座

my star sign is Pisces.

money-conscious: highly aware of activities to do with money

supernatural: cannot be explained by science


niche : pronounced as neesh


character: stress on the first syllable 

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