VIP Class Notes (Maddie)

Speaking exercise

i don’t like read father read the books
i don’t like reading the books that my father reads the books

i don’t like drinking the drink that my teacher likes.


get the car fixed: to have a broken car repaired

material: what something is made of

plastic: suliao

international: between/across countries
e.g. i go to an international school. my classmates are from japan, the US, italy.

local: someone born and raised in a place
e.g. shanghai locals don’t go to yuyuan garden.

travel: to go to a specific place
e.g., i travelled to shenzhen to visit my family.

stay: to live for a short period of time
e.g., i stayed in shenzhen for 2 weeks.

mosquito: insect that bites you and makes you feel itchy there

be good at something: do something well
you seem to be pretty good at drawing.

profound: deep (in terms of thinking)
e.g., my father always reads some profound books.