VIP Class Notes (Maddie)


describe your daily routines using words we learned today.

for example, i work from xx to xx. i get up at xxx, i do yoga on the weekend.


groceries: food and things needed in daily life; stress on the first syllable

bathtub: yu gang

dawn: li ming

dusk: time before the sun completely sets down

canteen: shi tang

go to the cinema = go to the theatre = go to the movies


eleven : i-le-ven, not i-li-ven

eight: ei-t

Tuesday: tju-z-dei
Thursday: thur-z-dei

/th/: this, that, those, these -bite your tongue when pronouncing the ‘th’ sound


use ‘at’ for a particular time of a day.
e.g., i get up at 7am every day.
e.g., she goes to work at 9 am every day.