VIP Class Notes (Maddie)


acquaintance:someone that you know but not friends with
e.g. i have an acquaintance who’s going to the uk to study.

cram school: 补习班

crackdown: a blow on something
e.g. there’s a crackdown on cram schools in china recently.

dilemma: a situation where you’re stuck and going forward/backward is equally bad

keep in contact with someone: to continuously be in touch with someone

ruin: to destroy; to make something collape; to make something go bad

expectation: something that you hope is true

fulfill: to meet/satisfy something
e.g. being in love is about having one’s expectations being fulfilled.


vibration: 震动

research: studying about something deeply; 研究

tranquil: very quiet

apply: 申请

cheap: not expensive

overseas: not from the home country

jungle: rainforest

mutually: with each other
e.g. they reached a mutually benefiting agreement.

stubborn: not changing one’s mind no matter what others say 固执
e.g. he’s so stubborn that he never admits to his mistakes.

raw: uncooked

at dusk: before the arrival of evening 在黄昏

auto-generated: 自动生成

purge: to purify
e.g. they purge themselves by vomitting after drinking the palm tree fruit juice.

vomit: 吐 throw up
e.g. they don’t vomit because they’re drunk; they vomit because they want to purify themselves.

body piercing: 穿孔

sacred: holy; like a god

pharmacy: drugstore; place where medicines are sold

invisible: cannot be seen by others; 看不见的

vis-: to see

vision: 视力

-able/-ible: can

visible: can be seen

flour: 面粉

