VIP Class Notes (Maddie)


Mandarin: the official language of China

for educational purposes: for the sake of education

good value: good quality and worth the money
e.g. the car i bought recently is really good value – it’s not expensive and it’s really comfy.

algorithm: 算法

they only recommend stuff based on your preferences. once you’ve searched something, you’ll get more and more stuff abotu this aspect.

spouse: one’s partner

in most cases: 大部分情况下

historical sites: places where history is preserved

tourist attractions

Speaking exercise

i’m not care about the pronunciation
i don’t care about the pronunciation

a lot of foreigners are difficult to come back
it’s difficult for foreigners to come back

i will translate, use a lot of tools to help me
i will translate them, using a lot of tools xxx

i can spend time to learn english
i can spend time to learning english


correctly: distinguish between r and l

says: /sez/, instead of /seiz/