VIP Class Notes (Maddie)(Maddie- KARL)

Writing exercise

c11t3 – co2 emissions in 4 countries:

  1. try to use varied sentence structures – 目前句式稍显单一
    1) xxx(变化的主体,对本文而言就是co2 emissions) increased/grew/decreased/fell to XX(number)
    the co2 emissions in sweden increased to slightly over 10 tonnes by 1977.
    2) 用年份/国家作为主语,用saw/witnessed作为动词
    the 10 year period from 1967 to 1977 saw an increase of almost 2 tonnes in co2 emissions in sweden.
    3) there be句型
    there was an increase of almost 2 tonnes in co2 emissions in sweden from 1967 to 1977/in the first decade.
  2. 时态不统一
    had done: 过去的过去
  3. 某些连词的使用不恰当
    although, though = while, whereas
  4. 表示上升、下降、最高点的固定表达
    最高点:xxx reached its peak at xxx (number) in 201x.
    even when they reached their peaks in 2007 at (引出具体数值) 8 and 6 tonnes respectively (分别).
  5. 核心词汇尝试paraphrase
    e.g., co2 emissions = greenhouse gas, per person in the uk= for each British citizen



  1. 按顺序出题的题型:除配对以外均按顺序出题
    填空有可能乱序 – 只有某些类型的填空题可能乱序
  2. 做题顺序:先做有顺序的,后做配对;配对题中小标题配对、段落信息配对留到最后做
  3. 三篇文章的特点:
    1)passage1 一般是说明文,题型一般是填空+判断,争取全对
    2)passage2 一般是科学研究型文章,配对较多
  4. 四大解题逻辑:
    1. 并列(填空常用)
    2. 转折(所有题型)
    3. 因果(选择)
    4. 比较(判断&配对)
  5. 填空题
    summary, notes, table, diagram 出题范围较小;sentences范围较大或比较分散;
    相应地summary,table, diagram有可能乱序
    此外有一种特殊的填空题- 选词填空难度较高
    1. 读题划关键词,确定答案词性- 若为名词判断单复数(根据主谓一致+冠词
    2. 到文中定位-找同义替换
    a and other b = b, such as/including a
    a= an item
    b = a category
  6. T/F/NG
    F/NG: false 与原文不能共存;NG可以与原文共存


vary: 主语内部有很多不同的个体,个体之间各不相同
different provinces vary considerably=significantly in average height.
adj: various, varied, varying 各种各样的
n. variety: 1) a variety of 各种各样 2)品种;变体
variation; variant 也都表示品种、变体;variation也可表示变化