VIP Class Notes (Luca)



Bug someone (annoy someone

bust someone/ punish
I didn’t do my homework, so my mum punished me, by taking away more computer for a week.

Mr Bean set a mouse trap.

Christmas Carols (songs we sing at christmas time)

Saw (use to cut things)

Door knob/door handle.

Quirky (strange)
Mr Bean is very quirky, has some quirky habits/ has some interesting quirks.

Frugal, cheap. (Someone who does not like to spend money)

awkward (feel a little umcomfortable)

Speaking exercise

We had to train a cute, but its the air.
We had to train an imaginary puppy.

The titanic, the Harry Potter (no need to use “the”)

He recieved alot of things in the socks.
He put presents for himself inside the socks.
Mr Bean recieved present from Santa Claus. 
Mr Bean give himself presents. 

They changed the time on the clock.

Book Recommendation
Diary of a wimpy kid.