VIP Class Notes (Luca)

Today Rachel bring in some writing homework which we corrected in class


Liase (means to cooperate, collaborate, and communicate with other people)

Liason (noun for the person doing the liasing)

budget (the amount of money of you are responsible for spending on behalf of you workplace)

Interpersonal (the relationships we form with other people)

Intrapersonal (the relationship we have with ourselves)

1:tell us about your responsibilities.describe your day-to-day role, details of any clients you work with\for ,the level /title of the person you report to, the size of budget for which you are directly responsible and the number of people in your team.

As an anesthetist,  my major responsibility is to finish the daily working duty. For example, i need to ofter anesthesia for patients who is going to have an operation and insure their safety during the operation.I have to communicate with patients sufficiently about the risk for anesthesia and get their informed consent.Besides, it’s regular to communicate with surgeons ,nurses and other anesthesias

  so that we can finish an operation successfully.That is to say i have a really strong ability to communicate with all ages of people.When there are problems occurred, i always report to attending doctors or chief. My direct working team are about 20 persons every day. And there are about 100 anesthetists in my working hospitals.


My role as an anesthetist includes preparing patients for surgery firstly by getting their informed consent, giving them anesthesia, monitoring patients vital signs during surgery, liasing  with other medical professionals to ensure the best outcome possible for the patient.

My role requires me to be able to communicate with a variety of people of all ages. I am required to report to the Chief of Anesthesiology. I do not work with a fixed group of people as such, I walk with different surgeons and nurses everyday, according to the demands of the hospital timetable. This requires me to adapt to a wide range of different working and communication styles. I would estimate that on a daily basis I work with wide upwards of 100 different people.

Why did I choose to become an anesthetist?

What appealed to me about the practice of anesthesiology was it requires knowledge of a variety of disciplines, including biochemistry, pharmacology and physiology. In addition to this an anesthetist needs strong communication and interpersonal skills as well as ability to solve problems in a timely fashion.