VIP Class Notes (Luca)


画展  exhibition

蚊子 mosquito
痒 itchy
My mosquito bites are very itchy

artist (the person who draws pictures)

看得清楚 (see clearly)
My glass are very dirty, so its difficult to see clearly

Class is finished I let you go.
I make you speak english.

Fathers parents
mothers parents.

台风 typhoon

Great grand parents (grandparents parents.

手工 handmade

Today we focused on:

The drawers pictures is a man, and the man’s eyes are not good. So he some difficult to see clearly something. And I like one picture and I take a paper and some coloured pencils and draw it.

The artist is a man, whose eyesight is not very good. So his pictures are not very clear. There was one picture I really liked, so took some pen and paper and drew it

Three is on my feet and two is on my arm. Mum can catch the mosquito. The artist can draw some super pictures and today they are in the exhibition hall.

I have three bites on my feet and two bites on my arm. 

I can tell my mum and she buy some this and give my father, because my father is little lazy. He can find his things anywhere.

I go to some different city but in china. and I play in the city and I do homework at home. And I make something is handmake. I go to Sanming. We see his school and old home.

My father grew up in Sanming.