VIP Class Notes (Luca)

Today we focused on:

Today Leo and I took turns reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid. We focused on the use of idiomatic language. I explained to Leo that the more idioms he knew, easier it would be to communicate and understand native speakers.


nickname (a short name, or a made up name for a person that is often funny and sometimes a bit mean)



“Learning the hard way”

Hook up (someone will get some thing for you)
e.g Uncle Charlie will hook Greg up with a Baby Dream Doll House.

Exaggerate (when make something seen a lot more than it actually is to make a point)
e.g Its so hot outside, I think if I go outside I will melt.-is an example of exaggeration.

never let me hear the end that (continually remind someone about something that happening that was very embaressing for them)

Idioms (These are words or phrases that native speakers use that can be difficult for non-native speakers to understand)
落汤鸡 is an example of a Chinese idiom.


Pretend you are the wimpy kid and write two hundred two about something funny that could happen in your life in China.