VIP Class Notes (Luca)

Speaking exercise

I think I need to release my stress

I need some sort of stress release

for me its a bit slowly

for me its a bit to slow. 

inside movements

internal movements

I need to earn to get a better life

Have a better life

He lives in the UK for more then 10 years

He has lived in 

Silent city or village

I will go and live somewhere more quiet. 


Overtime 加班

Time off in lieu (if you have worked 3 hours overtime, the next day you can start 3 hours late.)

Onametopia The formation or use of words such as buzz or murmur that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actionsthey refer to.

Character arc
e.g Professor Snape has the most interesting character arc in the Harry Potter Books.

Priority noun prioritise verb (organise things in order of importance)
e.g Even though I had a lot of deadlines this week at work, my English is still an important priority.