VIP Class Notes (Luca)


We read the first page and a half of a diary of a wimpy kid.


Wimpy (scared) 怕

一月 January

二月 February

三月 March

四月 April

五月 May

六月 June

七月 July

八月 August

九月 September

十月 October

十一月 November

十二月 December

周一 Monday

周二 Tuesday

周三 Wednesday

周四 Thursday

周五 Friday

周六 Saturday

星期日 Sunday

I know 我知道 (The “K” in this word is silent, we just say “now”)

Diary,Journal 日记

e.g Mum I specifically asked for chocolate ice cream, not vanilla ice cream!

Idea 想法
e.g Thats a great idea!

I feel 我感觉

feelings 心理

rich 有钱
famous 有名