VIP Class Notes (Luca)


Sunday barbecue roast is a traditional British meal, which is only served on Sundays. If it’s Christmas, it’s even more prosperous popular. A barbecue meal a typical roast usually includes roast meat (such as lamb, beef, chicken and pork), baked potatoes and various vegetables, as well as Yorkshire pudding and a variety of gravy.

Yorkshire pudding, also known as “egg tower”, originated from Yorkshire, England, has a history of several hundred years English history spans several hundred years.  It is reported that it is one of the Queen’s favorite foods and is a typical British traditional home dish. The traditional way is to collect the juice from roast beef. The top butter is used for Yorkshire pudding and the bottom for gravy. Yorkshire pudding is usually served with roast beef and gravy.


prosperous (you are very wealthy, you are making alot of money)
e.g Chinese New is a very prosperous time of year for children, because they receive a lot of red packets.

Typical (Usually, often)
e.g Typically Shanghai dumplings are served with soup.

Yorkshire Pudding (it is similar to mianbao, you just combine eggs, flour, milk and salt together, pour the batter into cupcake paddies and bake in the oven).

Ladle (spoon with holes in it)

green onion 葱花

虾皮 (dried shrimp)

烤箱 (oven

Speaking exercise

Pour (倒)
e.g I pour hot water into the glass to make a cup of tea.

Speaking exercise

Dumpling skin (面皮)pork, fresh herbs 荠菜,

My favorite shanghai food is shanghai dumpling. When we make shanghai dumpling firstly you must chop the pork and the fresh herbs together. You take a spoonful of the mixture, put it on top of the dumpling skin and then wrap it up in the dumpling skin. Once you have made the dumplings place them into boiling water. You cook them in the water for 15 mins. Then use the ladle to take the dumplings out of the pot and put them into a bowl. Then you add salt, chopped green onion and dried shrimp. Finally pour hot water into the bowl. Enjoy!


Take out  (拿出来)
e.g I take the milk out of the fridge
e.g please take out the garbage.
e.g I take my clothes out of the cupboard.

Put in (放进去)
e.g I put my clothes into the cupboard
e.g When we make cakes we mix the egg and the flour together in a bowl. We then pour the mixture into a baking tray and put this in the oven.


Write a short passage about scones. What are they? How do we eat them? When do we eat scones? Try not to use a translator app, write in your own words.