VIP Class Notes (Luca)


Richard I, the second king of England in the Plantagenet Dynasty (from July 6, 1189 to April 6, 1199), was known as the “lion heart king” because of his bravery.
In his 10-year career as a king, Richard I spent almost all of his time in the army. As a Catholic, he once joined the Crusade launched by the Holy See and was the general of the Third Crusade. He defeated Saladin’s Muslim army with few victories in the battle of assuf and defeated Saladin three times with inferior forces. It is recognized as one of the most outstanding military commanders in medieval Europe.
Richard was the ideal king of his time, concentrating on the Crusades and defending the territory of his ancestors. He is not interested in government affairs. He was a great fighter and a pioneer in the battle. He was an outstanding king and a wise commander. His title of lion heart is appropriate. In addition to the romance with Saladin, he also changed the political pattern of Saladin. In the military aspect, his courage and leadership in marching and fighting are authentic. He has proved to the world that he is one of the few generals who can organize and coordinate the Crusade forces with complex sources of troops. His military performance has also made him one of the most outstanding military commanders in the middle age.The road to Jerusalem pub, the oldest pub in England, was established in the year of his coronation and the Third Crusade. Contemporary Muslim historians also spoke highly of him. For example, Saladin’s biographer, bahadin, thinks that Richard “has outstanding courage and great soul”; another chronicler, Ibn Ansel, thinks that “Richard is brave, resourceful, energetic and patient. These qualities are enough to make him the most outstanding person of his time.


Richard I, the second king of England in the Plantagenet Dynasty (from July 6, 1189 to April 6, 1199), was known as the “lion heart king” because of his bravery.
In his 10-year career as a king, Richard I spent almost all of his time in the army. As a Catholic, he once joined the Crusade launched by the Holy See and was the general of the Third Crusade. He defeated Saladin’s Muslim army with few victories in the battle of Assuf and defeated Saladin three times with inferior forces. It He is recognized as one of the most outstanding military commanders in medieval Europe.
Richard was the ideal king of his time, concentrating on the Crusades and defending the territory of his ancestors. He is not interested in government affairs. He was a great fighter and a pioneer in the battlefield. He was an outstanding king and a wise commander. His title of lion heart is appropriate. In addition to the romance with to his love of Saladin European Culture, he also changed the political pattern of  respected his enemy Saladin. In the military aspect, his courage and leadership in marching and fighting are authentic. outstanding. He has proved to the world that he is one of the few generals who can organize and coordinate the Crusade forces with complex sources of troops  in multiple battles. His military performance has also made him one of the most outstanding military commanders in the middle age.The road to Jerusalem pub, the oldest pub in England, was established in the year of his coronation and the Third Crusade. Contemporary Muslim historians also spoke highly of him. For example, Saladin’s biographer, bahadin, thinks that Richard “has outstanding courage and great soul”; another chronicler, Ibn Ansel, thinks that “Richard is brave, resourceful, energetic and patient. These qualities are enough to make him the most outstanding person of his time.


authentic (real, original)
e.g This is an authentic iPhone.
e.g These are real leather shoes.

Speaking exercise

Warm up activity
I gave Elizabeth the start of a sentence and she would finish the rest.

  1. There was no food in the fridge, so I can’t get food from the fridge.
  2. There was no food in the fridge, so I use 饿了么 or meituan to order food
  3. I feel sick so I have to go to the hospital.
  4. I didn’t sleep last night because I was playing games on my iPhone. 

Travel First Elizabeth and I brainstormed some words together.

Camp, local food, local dishes, locals delicacies, luggage, plane ticket, map, hat, cane for mountain climbing, translator machine.

  1. My cousin I was go went to ningbo to climb mountains and we used a cane for mountain climbing.
  2. I lost my luggage in the in airport terminal (候机室)
  3. My university classmate and I camped in a Senling Park and ride rode horses too.
  4. My parents and I was go went to Jiangjiajie in Hunan and eat ate local delicacies and climbed Tianmen Mountain. And when we returned we bought some local handmade arts and crafts (工艺饰å“)and a sliver bracelet.


Prepare for you next Class, the topic will be food. Write a short passage about what food you like to eat. Also brainstorm what vocabulary you would like to practice using.