VIP Class Notes (Li)[S/W]


Pick an article and write down a short summary and then give your opinion.


live up to my expectation – up to standards

large portion/large quantity

not a good choice

left a bad review/comment

options are limited  – choices are not varied

picky – you limit your choice of food

ex. I’m quite a picky eater, I can’t accept western food.

pimples – red spots on your face

Speaking exercise

I don’t usually eat these restaurants a lot because it’s so expensive

I don’t usually eat/dine in these restaurants often because they’re so expensive

Some reasonable price restaurants

Some reasonably priced restaurants

I would choose some restaurants nearby and change the choice of cuisine

I would choose some restaurants nearby and pick a different cuisine

When I get out of the subway station, I can just get there just cross the road.

When I got out of the subway station, I could just walk there by crossing the road/it’s within walking distance   

Although the quality is not to my expectations, but the quantity is large

Although the quality does not live up to my expectations, but the food comes in large portions/quantity

In my taste, I think it’s okay.

In my opinion, I think it’s okay.

Writing exercise

What would you consider to be the most important when choosing a restaurant?

When I was a child, I didn’t have the internet. So most of the time, I just chose a restaurant that was recommended by my parents ,their friends or my neighborhood. It was easy for me to identify if the restaurant was good or not, because at that time there was not so many restaurants like today. But now, I can check the comments on the internet, such as Weibo or Dazhongdianping App. Though saying that, it is far more difficult for me to choose a restaurant quickly like before. I have to spend a lot of time on reading different people’s comments. So if I would like to go to a restaurant, the important aspects I will consider are the type of the cuisine, the price and the convenience of the traffic. And then I will read both five stars and one star comments about the restaurant to ensure if it is valuable for me to eat out.


When I was a child, I didn’t have access to the internet. So most of the time, I just chose a restaurant that was recommended by my parents, their friends or my neighbors. It was easy for me to identify if the restaurant was good or not because at that time there were not so many restaurants like today. But now, I can check the comments on the internet, such as on Weibo or Dazhongdianping app. Despite saying that, it is far more difficult for me to choose a restaurant quickly like before. I have to spend a lot of time on reading/reviewing different people’s comments. So if I would like to go to a restaurant, the most important aspects I will consider are the type of the cuisine, the price and the convenience of the location. Then, I will read both five stars and one-star comments about the restaurant to ensure that it is worthy for me to dine there.